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Step Up Your Job Search, Step by Step

The last time you cooked out, did you skip a few steps because you didn't feel like, maybe, lighting the grill before you put the steaks on? Some things in life can be done on the fly. Important things, however, usually require having a plan/map/recipe/strategy and then sticking to it until you succeed. For many, finding a job is one of those important things.

Laid off? Just need a change of scenery? Either way, job searching can be a stop-and-start exercise, and it can be frustrating. If it feels like the grill just isn't firing up, it might be time to revisit your strategy, or to create one! Follow these steps to the letter, and the momentum on your search will pick up. With the kind of luck that comes with effort, you'll soon be dining (and working) in style. Are you willing to try it?

  1. Use ONE RESUME. If you want to fast track yourself to an offer, don't spend energy fooling around with multiple versions of who you are. Decide what your ideal job is, devise one very complete resume, and use it.

  2. FRANK lists - make FRANK work for you! Friends, Relatives, Associates, Networking Groups... list the names of people you know. Go for 10 names under each heading, and then circle the Ks - Key Contacts - people most in a position to help you.

  3. PRINT OUT the job description. I'm sorry, trees.

  4. HIGHLIGHT 3 (count 'em, 3) qualifications in the job description that make you a great candidate.

  5. APPLY for the position.

  6. CONNECT with 3 different people who work for the company you're looking at. Refer to your FRANK list, and check LinkedIn and other sites for potential connections.

  7. MESSAGE those three people. Tell them you're in transition, connect with them on social media and find out what they like about the company they work for. You're not asking for favors, just information.

  8. FOLLOW UP with a quick question about who at the company would be a good contact for the position. Then FOLLOW THROUGH on reaching out to anyone you're referred to.

  9. On the printed job description, JOT THE DATE you applied and the names of your three contacts. When you get an interview or offer, remember to thank these people for the information they shared and ask if you can do anything for them. What goes around should always come around.

  10. KEEP the printout, and use it as a reference when preparing for (let's hope!) interviews.

You can probably think of a few more steps to add, but ten is a good number. Do these ten things every week, and you'll soon be throwing those steaks on the grill to celebrate!