woman staring confused at computer

Take your team from stretched and struggling to well-oiled machine.

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We’re a good fit if…

  • Old-school recruiting practices have caught up with your team.

  • You believe collaboration, a growth mindset, and a spirited exchange of ideas are key to your company's success.

  • You need to keep flying the plane while you rebuild it.

We’re not a good fit if…

  • "Good enough" recruiting is good enough.

  • "This is how we've always done it" is doing it for you.

  • Your team is a well-oiled machine with the metrics to back that up.

Innovative hiring solutions and best practice processes designed with your team in mind.

Better hiring now requires innovative hiring systems combined with best-practice processes that leverage your team's strengths and address opportunities. Uptown Talent Partners identifies the gaps in your talent acquisition process and presents viable, long-term solutions. Our clients can execute new strategies now, and build upon them later, as their business evolves.

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Transformational Recruiting: A three-phased approach to breathing new life into your current recruiting function.


  • Using tried-and-true assessment methodologies, we conduct a thorough, professional review of your talent acquisition function. We focus on your strategy, platform, processes, metrics, and relationships.

    Deliverables include an assessment, consolidated experience story, process map, and recommendations.

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  • During the Synthesis phase, we’ll meet to strategize, rank priorities, and build a roadmap for process improvements and training.

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  • Implementation is an iterative process based on your project plan. You can expect clear deliverables, consistent communication, and engaging training to ensure that any changes put in place today will stick over time

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Step up your hiring game with training from Uptown Talent Partners. We partner with experts in the field to deliver training on best-practice techniques plus unique approaches that can take years to discover on your own. Our multi-level program is designed to meet recruiters where they are in their career journey, giving them the tools to accelerate hiring, improve candidate experience, and more.

As philosopher Lao Tzu famously said, “Give me a fish and I eat for a day; teach me to fish and I eat for a lifetime.”

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  • Best-practice refreshers for new recruiters and seasoned TA pros. Choose from scheduled courses or customized training. Recruiters will fill more jobs in less time and have more fun doing it.

  • For the advanced Corporate or Agency recruiter who wants to take on more complex roles, close more deals, build relationships and improve their personal career trajectory. Select from scheduled courses or private group training tailored to your organization.

  • What makes a great leader? The desire to lead and the confidence to bring others along. Designed for Talent Acquisition Directors and Managers, Leadership Coaching is a series of one-on-one sessions designed to meet the specific needs of each leader. Count on a mix of strategic, tactical, and personal development sessions to bring out your best.

    The TA Leadership Coaching package includes a complimentary 30-minute planning session, personalized coaching plan, innovative tools and resources, 5 hours of one-on-one coaching and virtual support between sessions.



One-on-one coaching for career planning and professional development. Select tactical sessions for job search and career planning, or strategic sessions for developing yourself, overcoming obstacles, or navigating something big in your personal or professional life. Please note that coaching is not therapy. Individual coaching sessions are designed not to analyze what got you here, but to strategize on getting you where you want to go from here.

How Can We Support You?

  • Career Planning and Transitions

  • Resume Review and Updates

  • Social Profile Updates and Best Practices

  • Interview Prep

  • Pay conversations that really pay off

  • Professional Effectiveness

  • Personal Coaching

  • Navigating, Negotiating, and Networking

Ask about our Milestone Gift Basket! Perfect for new grads and for anyone making a pivot into something new.


Reach out today to get the conversation started.

We look forward to working with you!

The Process



Hiring is an evolving art form, and continuous education is pivotal to the growth of our business.

In The Journal, we invite you to learn along with us, share your views and participate in keeping all of us recruiting at the top of our game. Stop in often for innovative hiring ideas, best practice discussions, and small-bites training.

Check out our blog and downloadable resources here.